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Miksu - Gold-certified German Producer Using NOVA

10 September 2024
Case Studies

Miksu is a German producer based in Berlin. Before joining forces with fellow producer Macloud, Miksu has had a successful solo career with several singles hitting the top of the german charts like “Kein Wort” (2020) with Juju and Loredana, quickly obtaining gold certification. In 2018, Miksu produced the music for an ad featuring the entire FC Bayern München team, which exposed him to a wider audience across Germany.

We interviewed Miksu in his studio in Berlin with audio engineer Horst Körner who works with him. Miksu tells us about his experience with his NOVA and the impact of our Optimizer technology in his studio. 

Miksu working in his studio in Berlin

My name is Joshua, I go by the producer name of Miksu. Today we are here in our new studio, very happy to be here! We don't like to be in too much of a "techy" studio, so we try to achieve a home recording environment here. 

Horst Körner - Audio Engineer working with Miksu

I'm Horst Körner, German audio engineer based in Berlin. I am doing a lot of work in studios and I have my own studio on the seaside of Berlin, on the Spree, doing a lot of research things, trying out things and optimizing things, testing speakers for example, but also working with a lot of different producers.

What do you consider the most important in the room ?

The most important part is what we create here in the studio. It has to get to the audience so that they hear it in the same way that we do when we make the music. So the speakers are, for me, one of the most important part. I think everybody has this moment when you work for several hours or maybe days on one song and project, and then you go to your car or your home setup, and it sounds completely different. That's one of the things we all hate in our job, and we really wanted to erase this part. That's why we stepped up with the Trinnov.

Please tell us about this room

The two things that come together is on one hand they want to have this cosy room, like a living room, but don't want to have this flush in-wall setup and just want to have a close to near-sonic response of it. And that's the compromise, that's what we did it here. It goes pretty well in SPL and as well as in frequency range, I would say.

What was your first impression of Trinnov Optimizer ?

I heard it in a friend's studio. He showed me the system with the exact same speakers, I think, and I was blown away, to be honest, because, of course, you listen to your favorite songs or the songs you know the best. For the first time, I didn't listen to bass, treble, or different frequencies. I could listen to rooms, reverb tails, front to back things. That was it I think for me, I said, I have to have it for my own!

What would you say if you were asked : what does Trinnov’s Optimizer do ?

For me, it does two things: it corrects the room and your setup, but that, for me, is the boring part. The exciting part for me is really opening the sound. I can't really explain it any other way other than going "into the sound", having a 3D experience.

Maybe that's a good metaphoric thing to say. When you have a Ferrari, but the wind shield is dirty and you can't see anything, and you can drive 300 (you shouldn't do that anyways) Only when everything is clear, you can really in the seat and know what you're doing, having your best performance.

Have clients’ feedbacks evolved since using a Trinnov?

The responses from the clients I'm working with is once they come in hand with me and the Trinnov, it's set and forget. I was asking even the mixer how often he switches the presets I made for him, and he said none.

So it he just uses one preset and it was like so precise, so nice and on point for him that it's just an expansion of your listening path. You set up it properly, and then it's just about making the work. It's like part of the room. It's like getting the right connection between the room and the speaker.

Would your recommend it to other engineers ?

If you aspire for a professional career, then you really have to decide here. I mean, with every new toy or every new compressor, synthesizer, whatever it is, you only put one tiny thing in your whole setup. But in the end, everything you play, you put music through. When you can't really listen to what you're doing, it all doesn't really make sense, does it? The thing is, it's our place, but the studios are not rented to other people, but we share it with very experienced guys, and they all brought the Trinnov.

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