For this ISE 2018 Trinnov partnered again with Procella Artnovion Kaleidescape and JVC to bring the best Immersive sound experience to our partners and customers.

Our room designed by Gerard Brouwer from Home Cinema Projects featured the reference Altitude32 processor providing 11.4.6 and 9.2.4 Dolby Atmos and DTS-X speaker layouts as well as 10.1 Auro 3D set-up. Using FIBBR cables and Artnovion acoustics panels our installation also made good use of Kaleidescape latest Strato 4K player used in conjunction with the DLA-Z1: JVC's flagship 4K projector
The Immersive set up used 21 Procella speakers showcasing their whole line of high-end cinema speakers from the P5 on ceiling wide and surround positions to the P8 for LCR and P18 as subs, our demo room also benefitted from their DA06 DSP based amplifier which worked in tandem with our Amplitudes 8 as surround amplifiers.
But the immersive sound experience didn't stop at our booth !
As usual, several other high-end manufacturers of speakers made good use of our beloved Altitude processors to showcase the power of high channel count in High-End home cinemas.

Bower&Wilkins showcasing our Altitude16 and Amplitude 8m on a 16 loudspeakers layout featuring their CI800 Series Diamond range of custom installation speakers, in conjunction with 2 DB1D Subwoofers. Their impressive demo room designed by Mutrox provided an isolation value of 55 dB(A)
created by a 12000 kg box in box construction, with internally double decoupled springs system.

Wisdom Audio with a beautiful media room designed by Maurizio Conti of Home Theatre Environment using our Altitude 32 to process a fully functioning setup featured Sage L75 Line Source paired with Four Sage Series ICS7a in-ceiling loudspeakers, along with S110i RTL subwoofers and SA-3 amplifiers.

Alcons Audio using our Altitude 32 processor was showing an impressive hybrid 9.X.8 immersive surround configuration, comprising 20+ pro-ribbon loudspeakers, including the new CRMSC-SRHV wide-angle surround and the all-new CRMS-LFE18 sub, driven by 26 channels of Sentinel amplified loudspeaker controllers.