During this year Cinemacon we went to Interview Frank Tees of Moving Image Technology about using our Ovation Processor in the commercial cinema domain.
How Do The Ovation Processors Differ From Other Cinema Sound Processors Currently On The Market?
The Ovation gives you all the tools you need to analyze your audio system and catches a lot of the pitfalls that tend to go unnoticed when people rely solely on their equipment to tune room without using their ears, It also gives you a tremendous amount of feedback so that you can do an excellent 90 percent tune that would you be completely happy with as well as the tools to get that last ten percent that is satisfying to an audio engineer to really work on getting a room sounding very good.
So Far How Has Been The Response Of Your Customer To The Sound Of The Ovation?
The customer feedback on the ovation has been positive all the way around every customer that we have introduced to the Trinnov ovation has had nothing but positive things to say about it they’re they’re extremely happy with the new way of tuning an auditorium. They’re happy with the way the ovation ushers them into this new technology, it’s much different than the traditional way of tuning an auditorium with third-octave Eq. Most of all the Trinnov team does not introduce their own technology without guiding you through how to embrace it and what you can do with it!
You can watch the full interview here on our Youtube channel: