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Pioneering modern Digital Room Correction


In 2003, Trinnov began its research on loudspeaker/room optimization, leveraging the latest digital signal processing techniques available to significantly advance acoustic optimization.

The first Trinnov product, the OptimizerTM, was presented to acousticians and sound engineers in 2005, at the Audio Engineering Society convention. Trinnov was among the first companies to challenge the decade-old habits of real-time analysis and pink noise measurement and to introduce a more comprehensive approach which fully accounts for the essential time domain. Fundamentally, acoustic and sound propagation are time mechanisms. Yet, historically, the time domain was almost completely overlooked. 

What was then and for many years afterwards considered a fantasy eventually became standard in the 2020s with the generalization and wider adoption of time/frequency optimization by sound engineers, acousticians and speaker manufacturers alike.

Trinnov Optimizer

Our world-renowned Loudspeaker/Room Optimizer is recognized as best-in-class by users and reviewers across the professional, commercial cinema and residential markets. Introduced in the professional audio world in 2005, this revolutionary solution was quickly embraced by many of the most demanding music, broadcast and post-production sound engineers.

Unique Features

  • 3D Measurement Microphone: Yes
  • 3D Speaker Localization: Yes
  • Intelligent Multipoint Optimization: Yes
  • Semi-Automatic Active Crossover: Up to 4-ways
  • Measurement Position Weighting: Yes
  • Cascade Bass Management: Yes
  • Native Processing & High-Resolution Filters: Yes
  • On the fly Filter recomputation: Yes

Processing (varies with Processors)

  • Max FIR Length per channel: >600ms
  • Maximum number of Taps per channel: >130000
  • Processing Resolution: 64-bit floating point
  • Max Native Sampling rate: Up to 192kHz
  • Max Number of Channels: Up to 64
  • Max Number of Subwoofers: Up to 64
  • Time/Frequency Processing: Yes, including Phase Optimization

Acoustic Measurement

  • Built-in Measurement System: Yes
  • Impulse Response Measurement: Yes
  • Multipoint Measurement: Yes
  • Background Noise Measurement: Yes
  • Selective Measurement for Compute: Yes

Built-in Graphs

  • Amplitude Response: Yes
  • Phase Response: Yes
  • Impulse Response: Yes
  • Group Delay: Yes
  • Acoustic Filter Response: Yes
  • Graphs Overlay: Yes
  • Graphs Zoom: Yes
  • Full speaker details: Yes
  • Individual Measurement Graphs: Yes

Fine-Tuning Options

  • Target Curve per Channel: Yes
  • Frequency adjustable EQ (boost/cut) limiter per Channel: Yes
  • Front/Surround Selective Processing: Yes
  • Level Alignment Configuration: Yes
  • Time/Frequency Windowing: Yes
  • Filter characteristics adjustments: Yes

The Optimizer technology is now used in more than 4000 studios across the globe with nearly 15 000 high-performance installations worldwide.

This technology, enhanced and refined over the years, is at the heart of our entire processor range. To this day, the Optimizer remains the most powerful and flexible automated calibration system available.

Acoustic Measurement

In-Room Measurement

The Optimizer’s purpose is to optimize the performance of any Loudspeaker in any given acoustic environment, from small bedroom studios to large commercial cinemas.

Rather than relying on acoustic models to guess the best possible filters, the Optimizer requires accurate acoustic measurements performed in-room, across the listening area, to capture the actual response of the speakers in the room.

Thanks to Trinnov’s iconic 3D Measurement microphone, the Optimizer captures a vast amount of information in just a few seconds.

Signal Path

Efficient acoustic correction ultimately relies on the most accurate measurement data possible.

Trinnov designs and therefore controls the entire acoustic measurement chain:
●    3D Measurement Microphone, designed and individually calibrated by Trinnov
●    Analog to Digital Converter
●    Operating system and software
●    Digital to Analog Converter

Nothing is left to chance, guaranteeing repeatable, reliable and robust acoustic measurement data.

Acoustic Optimization

End-to-End Approach

The Optimizer distinguishes and separately processes every single element of the acoustic path, specifically: Active Crossovers, loudspeaker response, early reflections, room modes and power Response of the room. 

Acoustic Processing

Acoustic Level

The Optimizer very precisely measures the acoustic pressure produced by every loudspeaker and subwoofer individually in order to perform an automatic level-alignment of your system. 

In other words, the Optimizer makes sure each acoustic source in your system delivers the same sound pressure level at the main listening position. 


Amplitude / Frequency

Frequency response is probably the most commonly used acoustic graph. Although important, it does not tell the full story. 

The Optimizer not only optimizes the amplitude response of your sound system, it also provides deeper insight into the very idea of "frequency response", offering time filtered graphs, whilst enabling you to tailor the tonal balance of your system to your own taste. 


Time / Phase / Group Delay

Arguably, sound is all about time, which is why we wrote a series of articles about it.

The Optimizer performs exclusive time/frequency analysis to fully understand and correct the behavior of your speakers in your room. 

But it also applies multiple filters and delays to fix all sorts of problems due to temporal misalignments: speaker distance, phase, group delays… 

Comprehensive Graphs

Unlike other room correction systems, the Optimizer includes a set of acoustic graphs so comprehensive that some of our clients use their Trinnov processor as a measurement system.

The Optimizer generates hundreds, if not thousands, of acoustic data points collected during the measurement process. Thus empowering you to make informed decisions when fine-tuning, rather than just guessing and hoping for the best out of a correction system.

Efficient Workflow

Designed for professionals

○    Each room is different. "One size fits all" simply does not work.
○    Features the most extensive tools for fine-tuning.
○    Self-contained acoustic measurement system. 

Developed for humans

○    No need to install external software with inherent compatibility issues.
○    Measurements are fully integrated into Trinnov processors; no need to go back and forth between products and interfaces.
○    Easy to setup and calibrate via onboard calibration wizards.
○    Achieves impressive results in no time, with even a single measurement.
○    Runs offline. (No need for internet connection.)

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